All other schools may apply to MU for the right to have their courses reviewed for acceptance. However, the admissions office would not actually perform a review until an individual student with credits from such an institution transfer to the Columbia campus. MU will transcript all courses taken at formerly regionally accredited institutions, and courses from nonaccredited institutions accepted under the review procedures described above, with the exception of remedial courses. Courses unlike anything offered at MU will be automatically coded on the transcript as “no credit awarded.” All other courses would be transcribed as “miscellaneous electives.” Individual academic units will decide whether to accept any of these courses as credit toward their degree(s).
Note: Not applicable in the School of Law and School of Medicine.
To the extent authorized by this article, the “S” (satisfactory) and “U” (unsatisfactory) grading system may be used. The grade of “S” represents the grades “A,” “B,” and “C,” and the grade of “U” represents the grades of “D” and “F.” A grade of “UN” indicates a level of performance that is unacceptable due to student non-attendance and participation. The “UN” grade is appropriate for a student that stopped attending class, completing class assignments, and taking exams, but is still on the class roster at the end of the term. The “UN” grade is for internal purposes regarding financial aid eligibility and appears as an “U” on the official transcript. The grade of “U” is not applicable toward a degree in any school or college.
In most cases the instructor will report grades initially on the “A to F” grading system, even though a student has elected the “S” and “U” grading system. The conversion from one system to the other will be made in the Office of the University Registrar. In appropriate cases, when a course is offered only on an “S/U” grading basis, the instructor may report grades initially as “S” or “U.”
When may an instructor assign an incomplete grade?
If a student is unable to complete all work by the end of the course term, the student may request, or an instructor may recommend, a grade of “I” in those instances in which all three of the following conditions apply:
Assigning the Incomplete: the completion contract
If the student’s situation meets all three criteria for an incomplete, the instructor and student will then discuss and agree to the terms by which the remaining work will be completed, including timeline and any modifications to outstanding assignments, after which the instructor will fill out completion contract information in myZou through the grade roster. The purpose of the contract is to make explicit the requirements for successful completion of remaining coursework. It also serves as a record of outstanding work and grade to be assigned in the event the instructor leaves the university and the program offering the course must resolve the final grade.
The instructor will be required to provide the following information:
Once the instructor has filled out the incomplete grade information in myZou and submitted it with the final course grade roster, the next time the student logs into their myZou student account, they will be automatically prompted to consent to the terms for the incomplete and the default grade based on work to date.
Can the deadline for an incomplete be extended?
Extension of incomplete deadlines within the initial incomplete period. If a deadline is assigned earlier than the end of the initial incomplete period, the instructor may assign the final grade based on all submitted work once that deadline has passed. Any extension of the original deadline within the initial incomplete period must have instructor’s consent but does not require revision of original contract. There is no “automatic” extension of deadline beyond the one specified in the original contract to the end of the initial incomplete period.
Extension of incomplete beyond the initial incomplete period. The instructor may request an extension of one additional semester beyond the original incomplete period, provided that the circumstances warrant it (i.e., significant ongoing hardship beyond the student’s control). To do this, the instructor must submit a revised completion contract with any necessary changes regarding grade for completed portion, remaining assignments, and new completion deadline. As with the original contract, student must indicate consent to the new conditions. The extension of the initial incomplete period to a second semester must be approved by the academic dean of the student’s school or college, who will review the student’s larger record to ensure that the extension does not negatively impact the student’s overall academic success. If the extension period expires without completion of the incomplete, the instructor will assign a final grade based on all submitted work at that time. There will be no additional extensions granted beyond this semester. Students may then wish to consider the Revision of Records process or the MU course repeat policy. (See Registrar’s website for additional information.)
Assigning the final grade for an incomplete course. Instructors will submit a final course grade upon completion of outstanding coursework, or once the completion date specified in the contract has passed; this includes a final grade in the event that some or all outstanding coursework has not been submitted. Any incomplete grade that has not been resolved by the end of the completion semester will automatically default to the alternative final grade submitted with the original or revised extension contract.
Note: Grade corrections must be processed within one year of the original reporting date.
Unassigned grades for undergraduate students: In situations when there is a failure to record a grade on the official grade sheet, the registrar will record a “NR” (not reported) and send a written notification of this action to the faculty member and relevant department chair. The faculty member is responsible for submitting a corrected entry. After 12 months, “NR” will change to an “F.” Any student planning to graduate with an unresolved “NR” grade should be aware that translation to an “F” could drop the GPA below the requirements for graduation. As with any academic deficiency, the low GPA would delay the student’s graduation until all requirements for graduation are met.” Students called to Active Military Duty will be exempted from the one-year automated changes of “NR” to “F” grades for the term of deployment and the year prior to deployment. In accordance with State statute, student may choose to maintain the “NR” grade. Therefore, “NR” grades for students called to Active Military Duty will remain listed as “NR” until a change of grade is submitted by the faculty member, or indefinitely, if so desired by the student.
Grades of “C” or greater may not be replaced under the Course Repeat Policy because these grades are considered acceptable work and would not prevent a student from graduating from MU. Students may not apply the course repeat policy to courses once they have graduated. This also applies to students who are seeking a second undergraduate degree. For the purposes of this policy, an undergraduate course is any course an undergraduate student attempts for undergraduate credit regardless of the course level. A student may not apply the course repeat policy to a course repeated as an undergraduate student for graduate credit. If the department or course number has changed since the student completed the first attempt of a course, the department offering the course will verify that the subsequent course is substantially the same and the course repeat policy may apply. If the initial course is a cross-listed course, a student may apply the course repeat policy if the student subsequently completes the cross-listed course offered by the alternate department. Students may replace the grade earned from the course at the University of Missouri or any other University of Missouri campus with a grade earned in an equivalent course at the University of Missouri campus. Courses for which a “W” or a grade of “I” are assigned are not considered attempts since no final grade has been recorded.
Step 1. Discuss the grade, as well as the performance standards expected by the instructor, with the instructor prior to the end of the semester following the one in which the grade was assigned.
Step 2. After unsuccessful resolution of the appeal under Step 1, the student wishing to proceed further must file a written petition with the department chair (or with the dean of the college or division if the instructor whose grade is being appealed is the department chair).